Check out some of my pictures in this recent article about the West Coast Fishing Club and David Hawksworth in the new issue of Air Canada en-route Magazine.
Sport Fishing Magazine
Sport Fishing Magazine
Check out to see some of my shots featured in their Showcase Gallery. All shots where taken for the West Coast Fishing Club on the Pacific Provider in the Las Parlas Islands, Panama.
Rylee & Nick Engagement!
Rylee & Nick Engagement
Had a great shoot with Rylee and Nick today down at Barnet Marine Park. The rain held off! Congrats guys!
Leah and Sean Engagement Samples
Leah and Sean Engagement Samples
Today I met with Leah and Sean in White Rock to photograph their engagement pictures. The Day was beautiful and we couldn't have had a better setting.
Where sand meets ocean
Where sand meets ocean
This past week I have explored a little bit of South Peru's coast line. I traveled by bus down to a town called Paracas. Paracas is considered the poor mans Galapagos Islands. 10% of the worlds fish comes from the ocean there. The islands are protected and you can see everything from Sealions, to penguins, cormorants, seals and all other types of sea migratory birds. The town of Paracas is really nice. It's tiny, but quiet and you can walk around or lay on the beach at all times of the day. I really enjoyed Paracas, but did adventure out to Pisco for some drinks with some locals on one of the evenings. Pisco is a tone around 15 min away. It was hit hard in 2007 by a massive earthquake in the area.
On my fist and second day in Paracas, I went on a boat tour of the islands and a tour of the Paracas National Reserve. The National Reserve is a huge desert area that meets up directly with the coast line. It's very impressive and we toured a couple of areas in the region.
Day 3 I decided to go Dunbuggying and Sand boarding and winery/pisco tasting. It was lots of fun and I got sand everywhere. I will post a video when I get back to panama on the weekend.
I leave Peru tomorrow, but have really enjoyed my stay here. The country is beautiful and the people are lovely. There is so much different environmental areas from amazon, to jungle, to mountian's, to desert and ocean costal regions.
All images have been edited via an iPad. its all I was traveling with at the time.