50mm 1-8

A ride Through Chepo

A Ride Through Chepo! Its that time again. The beautiful Mama Nido, (stands for Mothers Nest); has been pulled out of the water to get a face lift. At the Chepo Ship Yard in Panama, she sits looking a bit tired and weary. Flame torches and welders tirelessly work away at her haul; patching and scraping away the salt water damage. Its been a interesting process to watch how huge slabs of steel can be cut and welded into place. The yard is HOT and very smelly, mostly due to the fish processing plant across the way.

With a couple more weeks left to go, she is due for a fresh paint job and then she will be one her way back to the ocean; housing the Famous Picaflor and The Hooker, fishing boats!


mamanidohaulout2webThe Chepo Ship yard.

mamanidohaulout48webJames working hard!

mamanidohaulout49webSome of the ship yard workers, working in the Hot Haul of the boat. Temperatures over 100 Degree's inside.


mamanidohaulout65webThis is how they haul boats in and out of the water. An old train rail system, full with cables and pulleys. The ship Yard worker's are waiting to through lines onto the ship.

mamanidohaulout43webShip Yard Welder






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Jenn & Hale's E-Session

Jenn & Hale E-Sesson

Today was a great day for an E-Session. With the sun on our side, I headed out with Jenn and Hale to busy Gastown to try and see what type of great images we could capture. Jenn and Hale walked all around the cobble stone streets; stopping for my camera to smile, jump and yes even kiss!  Hale even came to my rescue when some crazy guy; without his shirt on, grabbed my camera bag and started to walk off with it!!!! I was incredibly thankful that he managed to stopped the thief; and felt rather stunned to think that I have lived in Detroit, traveled through Europe, Panama, Peru & Guatemala and it was here in Vancouver, that I almost lost my photo gear!

Thanks guys for making today incredibly memorable and of course, the Beer!!!


Hale told me at the start of the shoot that he wouldn't  jump! Look who's jumping now Hale....

Jenn and Hale met at the Balarney Stone, Gastown!

The trick is to run into the road when there is a brief break in traffic!!!

Loving the Gun's!

Jumping on the back of The Pink Bus!

Cutest Sing in Gastown. Jenn found this gem of a sign. One side say's "don't talk to strangers" and the other side say's "You might fall in love"!

Why a picture with a fan you ask? I say, why not!!! The great couple looking very Hollywood!


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