ship yard

A ride Through Chepo

A Ride Through Chepo! Its that time again. The beautiful Mama Nido, (stands for Mothers Nest); has been pulled out of the water to get a face lift. At the Chepo Ship Yard in Panama, she sits looking a bit tired and weary. Flame torches and welders tirelessly work away at her haul; patching and scraping away the salt water damage. Its been a interesting process to watch how huge slabs of steel can be cut and welded into place. The yard is HOT and very smelly, mostly due to the fish processing plant across the way.

With a couple more weeks left to go, she is due for a fresh paint job and then she will be one her way back to the ocean; housing the Famous Picaflor and The Hooker, fishing boats!


mamanidohaulout2webThe Chepo Ship yard.

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mamanidohaulout49webSome of the ship yard workers, working in the Hot Haul of the boat. Temperatures over 100 Degree's inside.


mamanidohaulout65webThis is how they haul boats in and out of the water. An old train rail system, full with cables and pulleys. The ship Yard worker's are waiting to through lines onto the ship.

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