One of my most favorite months in Montana is the Fall time. The lighting, colors and general warm lingering evenings, imprint in my mind like nothing else. The Bitterroot is a spectacular place with mountains and streams, which never cease to amaze me as a Photographer. The activities that one can do in the fall are endless and I hope to capture every moment of this incredible place!
Pentax 645z
Pentax 645z
Well....this camera is nothing short of amazing! The clarity absolutely blows my mind and the sharpness, file size and colour is pretty spectacular. It can actually shoot and render pretty quick for a Medium Format and is truly a Joy to shoot. I played around with the camera today and shoot with the older Pentax FA 45mm 2.8 lens and the Manual Pentax 75mm 2.8 lens.
The camera is comfortable in the hands and works basically like my DSLR's thus the learning curve is pretty minimal. I can't wait to get some sun here in the Bitterroot Valley so I can really test out what this camera can do!
A bit to much purple in the leaves...I noticed that the DNG are not as punchy as my Nikon NEF's, but post can bring back your colours if needed.
My Niece and Nephew are having some Fall fun!
Ending off on this little GEM!
Lindsay & Chris E-Session
Lindsay & Chris E-Session
Last week here in Vancouver turned out to be amazing weather and lucky enough Friday afternoon was a beautiful sunny day. Perfect to get some shots for Lindsay & Chris's E-Session. The Shots where taken down at Whytcliff Park in West Vancouver. Here is a sample of a couple of those shots!!!
Congrats guys!