nikon 70-200 2-8

Horta AZ

Horta, AZ

With just a couple of days left, I have photographed over 150GB worth of images. With still lots to see and to shoot, here is a small selection of images from the past couple of days!


Nikon D800, Nikkor 14-24 2.8, Nikkor 70-200

Sigma 50mm 1.4 art, Sigma 35mm 1.4 art

Fujifilm XE-1, Zeiss 12mm 2.8


This shot is a 30 image panorama. The original file size is over 150in long! Can't wait to print this one out!


Another pano, this time shot from a bit of a higher angle. All Panos are shot hand-held. defiantly a Gorilla type of photography.


Using my Nikkor 14-24 with a massive polarizer over the lens, I managed to get a bit of a long exposure.


Using the "Big Stopper" I managed to slow my shutter speed down enough to snap some long exposures during Mid-day.







7 Image Pano. This Church looks out over the town of Horta. The Church is only open on Aug 1st every year.



Well its been around 2 straight weeks of fog sitting over the beautiful city of Vancouver, but today the sun finally came through and the fog dropped low enough to get some nice shots of Downtown Vancouver.  The sun was setting and I headed out to start shooting. The shots where taken on a Nikon D800 with a 70-200 2.8 VR 2.

I stitched together a couple of Pano's using Autopano Pro. Super easy amazing program that doesn't make your computer churn as much as when trying to process large files in Photoshop.

Here are some of the shots that I got.



As the Sun set's behind Vancouver Island, you can just see the Lighthouse at Lighthouse Park clearing from underneath the fog.


City of downtown and finally be spotted after almost 2 straight weeks of Fog Cover.


West Vancouver's shore line has not seen the sun in weeks!


Landscape shot of the city


Sun setting behind Vancouver Island. The ships in the Straight of Georgia have been sounding their fog horns non-stop!


19 image Pano Stitch---Keep Scrolling to the right on the picture to see the whole Pano. Or click the image to enlarge it.