male turkeys

Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge

Just shooting some fun shots of the beautiful Spring here in Montana. The lighting in the Bitterroot Valley is beautiful and there is always lots to photograph, especially in the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge.  

Lots of White Tail Deer around.


Looking back over the Park towards the Bitterrot Mountains.

Looking on the other side of the Bitterrot Valley back towards the Sapphire Mountain Range.

Bitterrot Mountain Range.


Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge. Stevensville Montana



Love just driving through the park and stopping to snap pictures as I go. This is looking back at the Bitterroot Mountains.


Looking up the Valley towards Missoula. Lee Metcalf Wildlife Refuge.



Clouds gathering along the Bitterroot Mountain Range.



Looking up the Valley. Sapphire Mountain Range is on the right side of the image.



As you drive around Stevensville you tend to notice Wild Turkeys hanging out. The biggest group of these Turkeys can offten be viewed at the Local Stevensville Golf course.

The males are currently "Strutting their stuff".



The larger Male Turkeys tend to pick fights with the immature Males.