Grand Teton's Adventure
I had the pleasure of participating in the "Dirt Cheap Photo Tours" with Jeff Clow in the Grand Tetons, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Our group managed to some how stay mostly warm during some very challenging weather conditions. The first couple of days brought us Rain/Snow/Wind. We still headed out there though to shoot and it defiantly paid off. After 4 days, we had photographed 5 Bears, 2 Moose (twice), Bull Elk and his Harem of Ladies, A couple of Mule deer and a HUGE heard of Buffalo. We had some very close encounters with some very large animals as well. Once the weather started to clear a bit, we then where able get some shots of the mountains and some beautiful Iconic Grand Teton Scenery.
I had such a great time on this trip and highly recommend anyone taking one of Jeff's Tours! Here are some samples out of over 200GB that I shoot in that 4 day period.
Check out Jeff's Web Site: Dirt Cheap Photo Tours
Finally a break in the clouds to show us the amazing Teton Range. Also, the Aspen's started to turn Yellow!
Buffalo rolling around.
Charging Moose!!! The closest I have ever been to Bull Moose while it was running at full speed.
The Teton's where covered for the better part of the trip.
Some beautiful Mountains drops with horses.
Long Exposure of one of the Molten Families Barn.
Random Buffalo.
Amazing Moose Experience.

Cinnamon bear
Molten Family Barn
Lots of Sage around the Jackson Hole
We saw this Bull Elk with his heard of Ladies, during a huge snow storm. I had to shoot at 5000ISO because it was so dark.
Beautiful Aspen Tree's
Moose hanging out in a little Lake.

8 Picture Pano merged together in Photoshop.